Customs Clearance Services

Customs Clearance Services
In the world, which has become global and rapidly changing, customs practices are also developing in a forward direction year by year. We produce functional solutions on strategic issues by supporting the customs procedures applied in Turkey and the transactions taking place in the international arena with a unique information system with a staff consisting of international transportation engineers experts.
With advanced network systems, control towers and dedicated contact point specialists, we synchronize all kinds of issues that occur in customs transactions in a short time. Novas Global, which allows all kinds of transactions and permits to be carried out in foreign trade, provides services on the provisions and practices of legislation that are in volatility. With our knowledge and professional teams, we offer the necessary reporting with application methods based on advanced information systems.
What We Do?
Thanks to the services provided to customers, we solve the problems that may occur in international areas in a short time with improvements within the institution. With transparent and visible transactions, we develop the follow-up of situations, reporting and solution opportunities.