International transportation, warehousing and logistics services


International transportation, warehousing and logistics services


Partial transportation is the act of delivering one or more goods or products to different buyers by means of transportation vehicles such as containers, aircraft, trucks, trucks or wagons. The most basic point of partial transportation is to deliver the goods ordered by the people residing on the same road route to the people with the same transportation vehicle, even if the products ordered by the people residing on the same road route are below the load capacity of the transportation vehicle. 

Turkey's border neighbor Bulgaria, which is Turkey's border neighbor by road and partial transportation method of freight transportation is carried out. The products demanded by the people living in Bulgaria are transported by trucks through the border gates in Istanbul or Edirne and partial transportation services are provided to every city in Bulgaria. 

The prices of partial transportation to Bulgaria are determined according to the route where the product will be delivered. In the most general definition, road transportation is the safe and fast transportation of cargo from one place to another by land transportation vehicles over the highway. Generally, countries tend to use road transportation due to its low cost. 

With Bulgaria's accession to the EU in 2007, it has become the logistics center of road trade to Europe for Turkey. It has also enabled Turkey's trade with European countries to be carried out faster and safer by road in Bulgaria. 

Another importance of Bulgaria in road transportation is that it is close to production cities such as Istanbul, Kocaeli and Bursa. Since the headquarters of our Novas Global Logistics company is located in Bursa, it has made it more reasonable to carry out transportation by road to Bulgaria, which is geographically close to Turkey. To get information about our transportation operations, you can call 0224 717 17 27 or send an e-mail to [email protected]

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